Changes from Release 2 to 2.1 |
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1. Time Flag Allows Creation of Trading Models During Specified Hours - The Time Flag option allows you to place a column in your data file that you may use to designate whether or not trading will take place during certain hours and/or conditions in an intraday model or certain days and/or conditions in a daily, weekly, or monthly model. The time flag column must contain either a 0 for no trades and any other non-zero value for trades. Click on the Time Flags check mark on the Optimization tab if you wish to activate this setting.
2. Date/Time Numbering on the X-Axis in a Graph If the data file includes a column labeled "Date" that includes valid data, the graph will display specific dates (and times if available) when the completed model is either being optimized or applied to a data file. Click here for details.
3. Display Settings for Decimals - The File Menu, Display Settings selection lets you choose how you want to display decimal precision for formula constants, predicted values, and trading thresholds. The Standard setting computes up to 7 decimal places while the High setting computes up to 16 decimal places. It is important to set Display Settings to high when you want to use ChaosHunter models in other program such as Excel or TradeStation® in order to obtain the same results in both programs. If the other program uses the ChaosHunter .mod file directly to implement the formula, standard precision is sufficient. This is the case when using ChaosHunter models in NeuroShell Trader®.
4. Help File Changes - The help file is reconfigured to include a new Chapter 6 on using ChaosHunter with other programs. This chapter includes previous topics on running ChaosHunter from your own program, Excel, and NeuroShell Trader. A new topic covers running ChaosHunter with TradeStation, while another concerns decimal precision when running ChaosHunter models in other programs. An additional topic shows you how to set up pair trading models that work with other programs.
Applying Models with the Chaos Input discusses how to obtain more accurate results when your ChaosHunter formula includes the ChaosVar.
A topic on What Does ChaosHunter Really Do? explains how ChaosHunter can create prediction, classification, or discovery models that find relationships in data.
Finally, we've added a topic on Sports Predictions with ChaosHunter, and a popular topic from the, How Steve Ward Configures ChaosHunter for Trading Models