
Science and Trade Modeling

The ChaosHunter works by evolving formulas from basic building blocks - "atomic" functions like add, subtract, multiply, divide, sine, cosine, square root, etc. The user selects which of these functions will be in the pool of available functions, and the ChaosHunter evolves combinations that continually get better at solving the problem.

Solving the problem can mean predicting or classifying a time series for business and science users (primarily), or it can mean generating buy/sell signals for trading. Since the formulas that get generated are usually not esoteric like neural network formulas, you can show them to your boss, modify them, and insert them into other programs.

The ChaosHunter's atomic function set contains simple polynomials (e.g. a2 + b2), neurons, boolean functions (AND, OR, NOT), and many more. The neuron functions (if chosen) can combine to form unique neural net structures.

For our science and business users, you get models that have readable, understandable formulas to model the data. If the data is time series, it builds recurrent formulas necessary for most definitions of chaotic functions. Although it mostly predicts, you can classify as well if there are two classes, one of which can be described by positive numbers and the other by negative numbers.

The trading models it builds can be used standalone or in conjunction with NeuroShell Trader Professional or DayTrader Professional, and they are capable of investigating chaotic time series.

Traders can also fire the trading models the ChaosHunter makes from any number of trading products that you may have purchased before you found out how good NeuroShell Trader Professional is. The reason is that ChaosHunter makes formulas that can most likely be inserted into many of these systems. So you build the model (formula) based on text files exported from NeuroShell Trader or these other systems, then use the model in real time somewhere else. Of course, we have a much easier way to insert the models into NeuroShell Trader Professional, DayTrader Professional or Power User versions.

ChaosHunter builds trading models we doubt you can build anywhere else, even in NeuroShell Trader Professional. The trading models are unsupervised, meaning that you aren't showing it answers as we would when predicting the future value of a time series. Again, there is the recurrency necessary for chaos. Finally, this program comes closest to the wish we've heard most often from traders through the years: give me something that decides and creates on its own the model that should be used.

You will find the complete ChaosHunter help file/manual on this website.

ChaosHunter for Financial Market Forecasts and Trade Timing

ChaosHunter is not only ideal for business and science forecasting, but it is great for building financial models for stocks, futures, options, and foreign exchange (currencies). You can use historical price data to predict the future values of some price or technical indicator. Several simple technical indicators for time series are included with ChaosHunter. These functions participate in the optimization for variables you select, and even the lookback parameters of these indicators may be optimized.

There are two profit based objectives that allow you to make a model based on how well it does in the market, instead of how well it forecasts prices. You can even specify commissions for the optimization. ChaosHunter can display an equity curve as it optimizes, and a trade by trade analysis on the historical or future price data.

ChaosHunter is not a complete trading system, so it does not contain a plethora of trading features. However, ChaosHunter models can be run in our NeuroShell Trader Professional software (release 5.5 and greater). Since the formulas can be read and exported, you may be able to use these formulas in other trading software.

Most trading software can export price data along with technical indicators of your choice. This data can likely be loaded into ChaosHunter for model building, or at least edited first in a spreadsheet to get it in proper format.

Read the Help File

The ChaosHunter help file is available online here so that you can see all of the features available.

Multiple Computers and Internet Requirements

You may use ChaosHunter on several computers so long as you, solely, are the only operator of this software on all such computers at all times. It may not be used in a multi-user environment by more than one user. In return for this multi-computer flexibility you must not share this software with anyone else.

ChaosHunter requires a live Internet connection during ChaosHunter startup and each time a new optimization is initiated. At the first logon on any computer a valid serial number and password are required.


We do not guarantee that ChaosHunter will solve your particular problem. There are many factors that come into play, such as whether your variables actually affect the answer, whether your examples adequately represent the problem, and whether you are skillful enough to select the ChaosHunter parameters that are most effective without selecting so many that the problem becomes difficult to solve. ChaosHunter may take many hours to reach a solution acceptable to you, or it may take a great deal of experimentation to find the combination of functions, constants, etc, that work well enough for you. ChaosHunter is a good program, but it is not a “slam-dunk”, and you should not purchase in the first place if you are looking for great solution with very little effort. Good things take time, even with ChaosHunter.

We do guarantee that we will refund your money if you decide to “return” it within 30 days of receipt, less credit card transaction processing fees of 2.5% to 3.5% of the total amount charged depending on which credit card you use. If payment is made via wire transfer, processing fees, if applicable, will be deducted. If you return it we will disable your serial number so that the software can no longer be run.

Other Features

ChaosHunter Past and Future

ChaosHunter was sent to the first beta testers in 1997! However, Ward Systems Group did not release the software for 11 years. In that time we used it for our own modeling while we concentrated on building our trading reputation with the NeuroShell Trader Professional. However, ChaosHunter has capabilities that we do not believe exist in any other software, so we have now turned our attention back to it.

There are, of course, many more functions, objective functions, trading capabilities, and interfaces that can be added to ChaosHunter. As time goes by we will be slowly adding capabilities to the software. We encourage your suggestions, and we know from experience there will be many, especially from the financial trading community. However, please do not purchase ChaosHunter in anticipation of some feature we do not already possess, because we do not intend ChaosHunter to become a full-fledged trading system!

Contact and Purchase Information

Call us for questions or to purchase: 301-662-7950
Email: sales@wardsystems.com
Skype address: wardsystems
To purchase online click here

// Important Information and Disclaimers

Financial trading comes with substantial risk of loss, including possible loss of principal and other losses, even when using computerized trading methods, formulas, and systems. Success of a formula or trading method in the past does not guarantee or even imply success in the future. The use of any trading system or strategy does not and cannot guarantee that you will make profits, increase profits or minimize losses. Additionally, trading results based upon hypothetical or historically-tested trading systems do not necessarily compare to results of actual trading. No hypothetical or historical trading record can completely account for the level of risk present in actual trading. There is no guarantee that your hypothetical trading results, even if tested against historical data, will produce comparable actual trading results. In fact, there are frequently sharp differences between hypothetical or historically-tested performance results and the actual results subsequently achieved by any particular trading system or strategy. You agree that you understand the risks.

Click here to read the entire ChaosHunter License Agreement

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